![창업경영대학원 이미지](/sites/eng/images/sub/grad-img05.jpg)
Korea University Graduate School of Entrepreneurship is fostering creative entrepreneurs to lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution era by adding an entrepreneurship major to the existing courses for business management including business management, business information, accounting and finance, international management and organization management. We provide theoretical and practical education ranging from that on entrepreneurship and basic knowledge for startup to that for new product development, production, organization management and growth strategies, which is essential for corporate operation.
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#101-B, Suk Won Hall
In September 2021, the Graduate School of Management Information System was renamed the Graduate School of Entrepreneurship. With an entrepreneurship major added to the existing business management courses, we foster creative entrepreneurs to lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution era. Our theoretical and practical education covers the subjects from entrepreneurship and basic knowledge for startup to new product development, production, organization management and growth strategies.
In addition, Korea University Sejong Campus, as a startup hub university in the central region of Sejong City, is operating a variety of startup support programs in connection with Sejong Startup Support Center. Through the effort, we are playing a role as a startup sub while contributing to the local communities.
The Graduate School of Entrepreneurship, with excellent infrastructure and faculty, will support students’ sustainable success.
- 직위
- 영어학 박사
- 전화번호
- 044-860-1235
- 이메일
- rhylee@korea.ac.kr
- 2021.03. - 현재 교수협의회 부의장
- 2016.01.-2017.01. RC 센터장
- 2015.02.-2017.01. 호연학사 사감장
- 2011.07.-2013.06. 국제교류교육원장
- 2006.04.-2008.01. 학생생활상담소장
- 2003.02.-2005.01. 인문대학 어문학부장
- 2003.02.-2005.01. 인문대학 영어영문학과장
- 1997. 3. - 현재. 고려대학교 인문대학 영어영문과 교수 부임
- 1996.03. - 1997.02. 서울대학교 어학연구소 전임연구원
- 1994.11. - 1995.12. 에딘버러 대학교 언어학과 Post-Doc.
- 1990.09. - 1994.08. 커네티커트 주립대학교 언어학 박사
- 1987.03. - 1990.02. 서울대학교 영어영문학과 석사
- 1983.03. - 1987.02. 서울대학교 영어영문학과 학사
- 2021.01.-현재한국언어학회 상임이사
- 2019.01.-현재 한국생성문법학회 윤리위원회 공동위원장
- 2017.01.-2018.12. 한국생성문법학회 회장
- 2013.01.-2014.12. 한국생성문법학회 부회장
- 2011.06.-2013.05. 한국중원언어학회 부회장
- 2011.08. SICOGG 13 조직위원장
- 2010.11. 추계 공동학술대회장 (한국생성문법학회, 한국중원언어학회)
- 1993. Constraints on A-movement, Negative Polarity Items Licensing, and the Checking Theory, Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar.
- 1993. The Syntax of Predicate Cleft: A Case Study from the Predicate Cleft Construction in Korean, Western Conference on Linguistics, 23.
- 1993. Relativized Minimality and Tense Islands as Two Separate Derivational Constraints, Student Conference in Linguistics 5, published in MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, 20.
- 1993. Reconstruction and the Checking Theory, Linguistic Society of America, published in Language Research, 29.4.
- 1994. Reconstruction and Theta-Positions, Explorations in Generative Grammar.
- 1994. Constraints on A-movement are Derivational: A Case Study from Negative Polarity Items Licensing, Japanese/Korean Linguistics, 4.
- 1994. Licensing of Negative Polarity Items and A/A`-parameterization, Parametric Variation Workshops, University of Edinburgh.
- 1995. Deriving A-Movement Properties of Scrambling; a non-morphologically driven operation, Edinburgh Occasional Papers in Linguistics 95-05.
- 1995. Argument/Adjunct Asymmetry in Weak Islands and the Typology of Checking, Linguistic Circle, University of Edinburgh.
- 1996. Some Problems for Make shortest Movement? SICOGG 96.
- 1996. The Typology of Checking and its Implications, Linguistics Association of Great Britain.
- 1997. A Note on the Uniformity Condition, 인문대논집 16.
- 1997. Optimality and Minimalism, 한국생성문법학회.
- 1997. The Effect of Process/ Result Distinction on the Grammaticalization of Verbs, 담화 인지 언어학회.
- 1999. Greed vs. Enlightened Self Interest: A Cheer for the Latter, 인문대논집 18. 1999. Anti-Scope Reconstruction in Weak Islands and Adverbiality, 언어 24.2.
- 1999. On Adverbs, 최소주의 연구 세미나.
- 2000. A Minimalist Account of the Distribution of Adverbs, 생성문법연구 10.2.
- 2000. Phasing the Domain of the Adverb Licensing, 어학연구 36.4.
- 2001. Syntax and Semantics of Adverb Distribution: Modification and Complementation, 한국 언어정보학회.
- 2002. The Effect of Process/Result Distinction on the Grammaticalization of Verbs, 영어학 2.3.
- 2003. Scrambling and Minimalist Program, 13(1), 3-19.
- 2003. 부사와 부가구조, 생성문법연구 13(3), 481-493.
- 2004. Syntax and Semantics of Adverbs, 영어학연구 17.
- 2004. The Categorial Status of Control Infinitivals and the Distribution of PRO, Studies in Generative Grammar Vol.14 No.2. 167-186.
- 2005. To Repair the Representational Approach to the Island Violation Repair in Sluicing, Studies in Generative Grammar Vol.15 No.4. 631-648.
- 2005. 최소주의와 자질, 최소주의의 최근흐름. 한국문화사.
- 2005. 부사연구, 영어학의 최근 논점. 한국문화사.
- 2007. The EPP as a Non-featural Requirement on Derivation, 생성문법연구 17(4), 457-478.
- 2009. Reducing the Proper Binding Condition to Order Preservation, 언어 34(3), 421-439.
- 2009. The Soft LCA overruled by the Prosodic Constraints : Some Notes on Wilder's RNR Analysis, 생성문법연구 19(3), 333-353.
- 2011. The Double-o Constructions vs. the Double-ul/lul Constructions, SICOGG 13, 267-271.
- 2011. Remarks on Richards (2010) : Are They Distinct Enough?, 생성문법연구 21(2), 237-253.
- 2013. On the Negativity of Negative Fragment Answers and Ellipsis Resolution, 생성문법연구 23(3), 447-467.
- 2013. 명사구 영한번역에 있어 구조적 중의성과 등가의 문제, 언어학 연구 27, 49-76.
- 2014. Parametric Variation on Missing Tenses in Temporal Adjuncts, 생성문법연구 24(4), 699-717
- 2015. 관용표현이 조각문에 관해 말해주는 것, 언어학 연구 37, 55-67.
- 2015. 재귀대명사 번역에 관한 고찰, 한국학연구 54, 33-52.
- 2016. 헤드라인의 형식과 기능에 관하여 : 한·영 신문 1면 톱뉴스 비교분석, 언어학 연구 41, 49-70.
- 2017. Some Arguments for the In-Situ Remnants, 생성문법연구 27(3), 535-564.
- 2018. Can You Violate the Conjunction Condition in Korean? Tight vs. Loose Coordination, 생성문법연구 28(3), 471-488.
- 2019. Labeling and Moving Adjunction Structures, 언어학 27(3), 125-147.
- 2020. 복문 과거시제 영한번역 고찰, 언어학 연구 54, 217-238.
- 2021. 분열문의 초점 부분에 나타난 ‘것’: 개체화 형태소, 생성문법연구 31(2), 227-252.
Degree program
- Business Management Major
- Management Information Major
- Accounting and Finance Major
- International Business Major
- Organization Management Major
- Entrepreneurship major